Committees are the heart of the NQA. Volunteers plan and organize conferences, create the monthly Newsletter, develop promotional material, edit documents, canvas for membership, oversee finance, maintain databases, help maintain the website, search for Board nominees, interpret by-laws, set ethics guidelines, and more.
Committees meet through teleconference on a regular basis, usually once a month. Members participate on a consensus basis. Everyone’s ideas and opinions count. You can make a difference. You can contribute to the NQA in countless ways. Help us create new opportunities for people to discover the benefits of Qigong.
The Certification Committee facilitates the process of Professional Member Certification as a benefit of membership in the National Qigong Association. This provides an opportunity to inform the public of the depth and scope of the significant experiences that have helped mold the specialized careers of our members. Though certification is internal to the NQA as there is presently no national standard, it is supported by the full faith of our membership organization and may act to enhance and highlight one’s professional standing.
Our Mission: The Ethics and Integrity Committee works to facilitate the resolution of ethical questions related to NQA membership and to serve as a resource for NQA members.Our Policy: The NQA Bylaws, Code of Ethics and Integrity, and the Code of Due Process are the guiding documents for this committee. The Ethics and Integrity Committee will make recommendations, about ethical questions related to NQA membership, to the NQA Board of Directors. Final decisions will be made by the Board. All members of the NQA, as a condition of membership, pledge to uphold the NQA Code of Ethics and Integrity.
The NQA Events Committee is responsible for organizing events such as the Annual Conference, workshops, and other NQA events. Our aim is to provide events that nourish all who come, from the merely curious to seasoned practitioners and teachers, and which helps both the NQA and Qigong in America to grow.
Our Mission: The Finance Committee shall be concerned with, and make recommendations on, all matters involving the finances and financial procedures of the NQA, including envisioning ways to improve the financial position.
Our Mission: The purpose of the Legislative Committee is to maintain awareness of any legislative agendas related to Qigong, communicating these issues to our membership and providing a path of advocacy for our professional members.
The purpose of the Membership Committee is to grow the NQA community by continually working to improve the value of membership.
Nominations & Election Committee facilitates the recruitment, election and integration of new members onto the Board of Directors and the Executive Team to the management of a fair, impartial and transparent election process.
The Publications Committee monitors information and publications that originate from the NQA. Our primary function is to release a quarterly newsletter that informs our readers and membership about NQA events, NQA Board and Committee news, and spotlights our members and teachers.
The Research and Education Committee provides our membership relevant, current scientifically sound research that can assist them in the education of the public on the profound health benefits of Qigong and Medical Qigong in an easy to understand format. Additionally, we provide our membership an opportunity for participation in Qigong research.Consistent attendance at monthly meetings and follow through on participation in committee project work.
The Web Communications Committee manages NQA's web presence, technology strategies, and online branding and marketing. Through effective use of technology, the Web Communications Committee facilitates communication and data management amongst NQA Members and the general public.
"There is no higher purpose than service to others." — Socrates, the Peaceful Warrior
The Heart of the National Qigong Association is its members. Everything we do as an association revolves around how we can be of service to our members as they walk their collective Qigong paths. From Annual Conferences & Research and Education Blogs to Qi Talks, NQA Day and Certification, our volunteers drive the mission forward in service to others.
One of the most important ways you can give back to your Association is to pledge and commit volunteer service for a cause that matters to you. Giving back time, talent, and energy to your association allows us to:
That’s right, volunteer community service not only helps others, it helps you! There’s a growing body of research that indicates volunteering provides individual health benefits in addition to social ones, according to the Corporation for National & Community Service. They cite research that indicates people who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability, and lower rates of depression later in life than those who never volunteer.
Sometimes it's easy to fall into the trap of looking at other people's gifts and talents and think, "what do I have to contribute?" We would encourage you to reflect on the attributes that are unique to you.
Within the Five Elements, your personal characteristics will tend to lean towards a particular element. To have a thriving organization, we need balance. Your uniqueness is just what we need!