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Certification from the NQA is a professional endorsement from America's premier Qigong membership organization.

Certification from the NQA allows Qigong Instructors and Practitioners to validate their knowledge and abilities. Individuals that are certified have enhanced credibility to clients and employers. With public recognition of professional achievement, certified members can position themselves for appropriate recognition and a critical sense of confidence and achievement.

  • You will receive a certification listing on your member profile of the NQA Teacher Directory, a resource for the public seeking a professional with distinction.
  • You will receive a certificate for display so that the public / clients / students will know that your credentials have been vetted and you are certified by the NQA.
  • As a certified member of the NQA you will be able to partner with other members to defend Qigong from numerous State attempts to control how we practice. Together we are stronger!
  • Our publications and events often highlight certified professionals with their articles and event presentations.
About us

Our Certification Committee consists of seasoned instructors, practitioners, and clinicians who represent various types of Qigong. Several of our committee members have well over 40 years of practice, and possess a strong understanding of Qigong theory.

With this combination of knowledge and experience, you can feel confident that you will get a fair assessment of your training. Over the years, we have certified individuals from many different schools and teachers.

emphasis Of IN-Person Qigong training

Our criteria for certification emphasizes in-person training. We feel that Qigong is very experiential and is best practiced in the presence of a teacher.

In-person training allows the teacher to assess the student's Qi flow on a first hand basis. Being in the presence of each other allows for the direct observation and Qi transmission during the training.

With that being said, we still allow for a portion of training hours to be achieved through virtual training.


Professional level members of the NQA are eligible for any of the three certification tracks.
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Choose a certification track

Note: You must be able to log in to your Professional NQA Membership account to apply for certification. If you need assistance with your account please contact

To access helpful definitions that will aide you in the application process, please click here.


  • At least 200 hours of documented Qigong Training
    50% of training hours may be virtual at this level

  • 2 years of personal Qigong practice

  • 3 letters of reference


  • At least 350 hours of documented Qigong Training
  • 3 years of personal Qigong practice
  • 2 years experience teaching Qigong
  • 3 letters of reference

Qigong Advanced
Instructor Level III

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  • 500 Hours of documented Qigong Training
  • 6 years of personal Qigong practice
  • 5 years experience teaching Qigong
  • 3 letters of reference

Qigong Senior Teacher Level IV

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  • 1000 hours of documented Qigong Training
  • 10 years Qigong experience teaching teachers , clinical practitioners, or both
  • 3 letters of reference

  • The satisfactory completion of an interview with members of the Application Review Committee if required

Qigong Clinical Practitioner

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  • At least 500 hours documented Formal Clinical Qigong Training (FCQT)* which can include up to 200 hours of Formal Qigong Training (FQT)*

  • Minimum of 100 hours of Qigong treatments using any combination of the methods described as FCQT. This can combine aspects of Qigong Clinical Training and documented Qigong Clinical treatment done on your own.
  • Minimum of 2 years experience working in a clinical environment primarily doing Qigong clinical work.
  • 3 letters of reference

  • Must carry proof of current liability insurance policy
  • Must carry proof of CPR certification
  • The satisfactory completion of an interview with members of the Application Review Committee (ARC) may be required

Qigong Senior Clinical Practitioner

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  • At least 1500 hours documented Clinical Qigong Training (FCQT)* which can include up to 600 hours of Formal Qigong Training (FQT).

  • Minimum of  1000 hours of Qigong treatment using any combination of the methods described as FCQT. This can combine aspects of Qigong Clinical Training and documented QigongClinical treatment done on your own.
  • Minimum of 10 years experience working in a clinical environment primarily doing Qigong clinical work.
  • 3 letters of reference

  • Must carry proof of current liability insurance policy
  • Must carry proof of CPR certification
  • The satisfactory completion of an interview with members of the Application Review Committee (ARC)

*Formal Qigong training: In-person training where teacher and student are physically present in the same location at the same time. Formal training generally includes the cultivation and perception of Qi, the experience of Qi and the Qigong state, centering, rooting, grounding, the knowledge of Qigong theories of what Qi is and how Qi works, an understanding of the three Dan Tians, Jing, Qi and Shen, Yin/Yang, Five Phases, and the Meridian/ Acupoint system. It includes utilization of Qi in practice, teaching and Qi emission.

*Formal Clinical Qigong Training (FCQT): the hours of study where direct instruction is received in an in-person class setting from an instructor. These hours include energetic anatomy & physiology, Qi transmission through non-touch and/or light touch methods and recommendation of Qigong exercises and meditations. This training teaches the development of skills, derived through formal instruction and self- cultivation, in the assessment, clearing and direct treatment of one’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual (consciousness) alignment rooted in Taoism and Chinese medical principles. The clinical application of Qigong integrates Formal Qigong Training into clinical training and includes Chinese medical theory and Qigong history, theory, and philosophy. Other techniques and practices such as acupressure, cupping and adjunct therapies may also be taught. Curriculums vary
between schools.

Qigong Integrative Practitioner

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Coming Soon! 


  • At least 350 hours of Formal Qigong Training

  • At least 3 years of personal Qigong practice

  • At least 2 years of experience integrating Qigong into your professional practice

  • 2 letters of reference


After the one time application fee of $100, this is the pricing structure for certification.

Single Certification

Only one certification track has been completed. This could include one of the following tracks: Qigong Instructor, Qigong Clinical Practitioner, or Qigong Integrative Professional.

Price of Professional Membership: $150
+ One Certification Renewal Fee Per Year: $25


/ year

Dual Certification

Two certification tracks have been completed. An example of this could mean the individual has been certified in the Qigong Instructor & Qigong Clinical Practitioner tracks.

Price of Professional Membership: $150
+ Two Certification Renewal Fees Per Year: $50


/ year

FRequently Asked Questions

Q: If I am already a professional member of the NQA, how is this different?
A: Certification is an additional credential that recognizes and highlights the achievements of our professional members.

Q: Do I need to train under a teacher who is a certified member of the NQA?
A: No. You can may study from a Qigong Instructor of your choice.

Q: Is there a requirement for continuing education for renewal?
A: No. Presently, there is not a continuing education requirement to maintain your certification.

Q: What is the difference between "in-person" and "virtual" training?
A: In-person means the teacher and student are physically present in the same location
Virtual is where the teacher and student are connected online and can see and speak to each other in real time. It may be one on one, or it may be a larger group.
Please Note:
  • Up to 25% of the total hours required for each certification level can be virtual.
  • There is one exception: For Level 1 Qigong Instructor, Virtual Training (VT) hours are increased to up to 50% of the total required hours, providing that half of those VT hours are one-on-one with their instructor.
Q: What is a didactic hour of instruction?
A: Didactic hours include anatomy, physiology, Chinese medical theory and Qigong history, theory and philosophy (with regard to Qigong.) It is considered to be instruction received in a class setting from an instructor rather than clinical practice with patients.

Q: What if I receive additional training in the course of my certification?
A: Your NQA certification can be upgraded to higher levels as your training and expertise grows. Just enter the additional information on a new application and send it in along with the appropriate fee. The supplemental application will be added to the information already in your file.

Q: How long does it take after I send in the application?
A: With the exception of the Senior Qigong Teacher – which requires an in-person interview with Certification Committee members – most applicants will receive a decision within a reasonable amount of time after full completion and submission of your application.

Q: What if my application is denied or if I receive a lower level of Certification classification than the one that I applied for?
A: If the application is denied or if you receive a lower level of classification than that for which you applied, you are welcome to apply again after one year.
Certification validates your specialized knowledge, and enables you to maintain an edge in your practice.
As a Qigong Clinical Practitioner and Teacher, I am happy that the NQA offers a certification process as it provides standards and consistency for Qigong practitioners and teachers, and opens doors for our work. In my private practice, I share my certification with my clients; it gives them some understanding of the rigor and education behind my work, and helps them feel comfortable to refer others to me.
Rachel Lee
Clinical Practitioner and Teacher
The Center Place in Boulder, Colorado