November 2016 | Program Host: Kimberly Ivy
We all know it's a good idea to stay positive and keep energy flowing. But despite best intentions, it's not always so easy, right? You know, like those times you get stuck because you only have only a couple of minutes before a meeting and the check out line is moving like molasses. Or you can't quite focus because your brain keeps looping through the argument you just had with your boss, spouse, child, parent, colleague, or client.
Or your plate is so full, you just don't want to get up that morning. Those are the times when it's all too easy to forget that-when it comes down to it-we are, in essence, simply and purely patterns of energy. The way I see it, transformation is not an end game. Rather, it is a daily and intentional practice of aligning your thoughts, intentions, and actions so you can move though stagnation and balance your energy. Way of Joy Qigong™ is an integrative system that draws from martial, expressive, performing, and healing arts, to provide a springboard to:
• Follow through on your Vision
• Create Energetic Boundaries that actually ATTRACT people while keeping you whole
• Exude Irrepressible Energy so people can't wait to know you
• Live your Joy from the Inside Out (so it fuels your beliefs and choices)
• Own the Power, Grace, and Presence (that you know you were born to offer)
Author and Founder of The Way ofJoy: A Spiritual Fitness Program, VICKI DELLO JOJO was inducted into the Women's Martial Artists Hall of Fame for her 40+ years experience teaching qigong and other qi practices. A professor in the graduate program for Holistic Health at John F Kennedy University from 2002 until 2012, Vicki teaches classes and workshops in Way of Joy Qigong in California and across the country as well as leading her online Way of Joy Women1s membership program, where she works with visionary women leaders and healers to sustain energy as they serve their communities. Recently stepping off the NQA Board of Directors where she served for seven years Vicki is the creator and host of Qi Talks. She is also the creator of sold out live events including her popular annual Nourish the Flame to Launch the New Year which attracts at least 100 people a year. Frequently referred to as a transformational speaker and life-changing workshop leader as well as a show-stopping theater performer, Vicki inspires people from coast to coast with her embodied reminders that joy is your birthright-a fuel, not a goal-and your secret key to life satisfaction and abiding success on your own terms.