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July 2013 - Walt Disney Was Right... The Universe Is Magical: Qigong As A Spiritual Practice

by Michael Hopkins McComiskey | July 2013 | Program Host: Vicki Dello Joio

People do Qigong as a physical wellness practice, a stress-dissolving meditative practice, and an energy practice. While still accomplishing all those things, Qigong can also be a wonderfully life-enhancing spiritual practice. Neuroscience has demonstrated that the proper combination of breath, movement and mind opens the possibility of right-brained mystical experience and expanded consciousness. I have found that by meshing the movements with certain thoughts, we can tune ourselves to a different level of experiencing. Our intuition expands, we notice synchronicities, more unexpected helps, and we begin to experience deep engagement with everything around us. We begin experiencing ourselves as part of a great living Wholeness – just as the saints, shamans, sages, and poets have always told us.

“Earth’s crammed with heaven,
and every common bush afire with God.
But only those who see take off their shoes.”
— E. B. Browning

“Man walks through forests of physical things that are also spiritual things, and they watch him affectionately.”

These aren’t just poetic notions: today there is solid Science behind them – and our daily Qigong practice can be the entrance to it.

Michael Hopkins McComiskey, as a young man, lived a monastic life in a Catholic Religious Order for six years. There he learned to love Silence, and to commune deeply with Nature. He has practiced and taught both Qigong and Spirituality for many years. He has served on the Board of Directors of the National Qigong Association (NQA), and is affiliated with the Center For Complimentary Medicine at New York Methodist Hospital, a teaching hospital, where he teaches regularly. He has taught for the FDNY and the VA.He is a popular teacher, workshop, and retreat leader. He is known for his wide-ranging knowledge. He laughs a lot.